Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy tickets to Camerata concerts?

Camerata doesn’t sell tickets to its concerts but is instead supported primarily by individual donors known as “patrons.” In addition to being acknowledged on the program, patrons receive a reminder card prior to each concert. By presenting this card at the concert before 7:15 p.m., they and their families (two adults and accompanying children under 18) receive priority seating. At that time members of the public- at-large who have been waiting in line are admitted on a first-come, first-seated basis.

For some programs, there is no problem seating everyone who comes to hear the concert. Occasionally, however, seats do fill up. To avoid disappointment, we recommend that non-patrons arrive at the auditorium between 6:45-7:15 to have a better chance of being seated.

Where are the concerts held?

Camerata concerts will be held either at the Columbia Basin College (CBC) Arts Center on the Pasco campus (2600 N. 20th Ave. P Building, Pasco, WA 99301) (see map) or at Kennewick First Presbyterian Church in Kennewick (2001 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, WA 99336) (see map).

Can I bring my children to the concert?

Camerata’s Board believes that there is no better way to introduce children to the pleasure of listening to music than to bring them to live performances, and we welcome children at these events. Since it isn’t always easy for children to sit still and listen quietly to an entire concert, we ask that parents consider the age and maturity of their children, as well as the nature of the program being presented, when deciding whether to bring them. Disruptive audience members may be asked to leave.

I have a friend who gets your cards each month but she’s out of town. Can I use my friend’s card?

Unfortunately not. The cards sent to patrons each month are reminders about the upcoming performance that we send for their convenience. They are not transferable tickets.

I’m a Camerata Patron. Can I bring my neighbors/friends as guests to the concerts?

Camerata’s policy is that patrons – those contributing at least $100 per season, and their immediate families - receive priority seating. The Board has clarified that this means a maximum of two adults and their accompanying children under 18. Single patrons may bring a companion with them to concerts.

Patrons contributing $300 or more may bring an additional two guests with them to the concert. The address label on the reminder cards will indicate if patrons are eligible for this bonus.

If you invite other people to join you at the concert, please explain to them that they will have to stand on line with other non-patrons until 7:15. They can of course, join Camerata prior to the concert by making a donation of $100.00 or more – about the same amount it would cost if they had to buy tickets to performances presented by other groups.

Because our goal is to extend the courtesy of priority seating to those who provide our support, we ask that patrons not try to save seats for guests who have to stand on line.

What do you mean by “chamber music?”

Chamber music is a term used to describe music written for small groups, with each part being taken by a single instrument. This is in contrast to a symphony that often has many instruments playing the same music at the same time. Another difference is that there is usually no conductor for chamber music so that the musicians take their cues from each other instead.

In addition to presenting chamber ensembles, Camerata often features soloists on instruments like the piano.

I’ve attended a couple of Camerata concerts and I was confused about when to clap. Can you explain the protocol?

Clapping is a way of expressing our appreciation for the performance we just heard, and artists, like the rest of us, are happy to hear that we liked what they did. Concert etiquette asks that we save our applause until a piece is completely finished, and not clap between movements. It’s sometimes easy for members of the audience to lose track of where they are and to clap for any pause, but such interruptions can disrupt the musicians’ concentration. We suggest instead that you wait for a moment and take your cues from the musicians. Generally when a piece is really completed, they will pause for a moment, then stand or in some other way acknowledge the audience.

Do you have a mailing list?

Camerata sends a letter each fall announcing the upcoming season’s concerts. During the year, reminder cards are sent to patrons but an email distribution list is maintained to inform interested persons of upcoming events. You can sign up for our mailing list even if you are not a patron. Although we do not share your email address with other groups, we may occasionally send information about non-CM programs.

How can I get information about performing on Camerata?

Every January, Camerata’s selection committee begins the process of choosing artists and programs for the following season.

Musicians interested in performing on the series should send information about themselves, including a sample or proposed program and an artistic sample to Camerata Musica, PO Box 615, Richland WA 99352, or by email to info@cameratamusica.com.

Submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope.

How do I become a patron?

We appreciate your support! We encourage you to learn more or download a contribution form (PDF).